Applying the 2012 IBC to the Design of Concrete Building Systems: Engineering Tilt-Up and to Pile Cap Analysis, Design and Detailing
SEMINAR LOCATION Alabama General Contractors Conference Center 5000 Grantswood Road Irondale, AL 35210 205-451-1422
Seminar includes Seminar Binder plus
Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
Seminar is a total of 8 PDH's & Approved in ALL States
8:30 - 9:30 Intro to Tilt-Up
9:40 - 11:10 Vertical and Out-of-Plane Design of Tilt-Up
11:10 - 12:10 pm Lateral design of Tilt-Up including Fdns
12:10 - 12:50 Lunch
1:00 - 1:30 More practical Tilt Up Examples
1:40 - 2:40 Pile Cap Design and Detailing
2:50 - 4:30 Practical Pile Cap Design Examples for Vertical and Lateral Loads
Our Speaker is Dr. Timothy Mays, Ph.D., P.E.
He is President of SE/ES and an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. Dr. Mays recently served as Executive Director of the Structural Engineers Associations of South Carolina and North Carolina. He currently serves as NCSEA Publications Committee Chairman. He has received three national teaching awards (ASCE, NSPE, and NCSEA) and both national (NSF) and regional (ASEE) awards for outstanding research. He is the recipient of the 2009 NCSEA Service Award. He is a prolific speaker who sits on several code writing committees and his areas of expertise are code applications, structural design, seismic design, steel connections, structural dynamics, and civil engineering aspects of anti-terrorism.
Authored by Timothy W. Mays, Ph.D., P.E. and Joseph J. Steinbicker, P.E., S.E., Engineering Tilt-Up is a newly published 365 page textbook that presents basic engineering principles, code interpretation, and practical design methodologies for tilt-up structures and their components. The organization of the chapters making up the main body of the text are ideal for engineers just beginning with tilt-up or for seasoned tilt-up engineers looking for excellent example problems that focus on the latest codes and standards such as the 2012 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-10. In addition to the chapter material, Engineering Tilt-Up features three, full-building design examples presenting simplified standard practice approaches to the design of realistic projects with common building irregularities. Part I of the course introduces Tilt-Up as a unique form of precast concrete construction and provides an overview of special design provisions from ACI 318 as applicable to slender walls. This portion of the course is focused on understanding how Tilt-Up walls are designed for the combined effects of vertical and out-of-plane seismic and wind loading. Part II of the course covers lateral (i.e., in-plane) design and detailing of tilt-up walls including special connection details unique to Tilt-Up foundation elements. Parts III and IV highlight the design and detailing of actual Tilt-Up structures and cover special topics such as diaphragms, chords, collectors, roof expansion joints, foundation design, and simplified analysis procedures that do not require the use of computer software. Pile Cap Analysis, Design, and Detailing Part II of the course provides a thorough overview of pile cap analysis, design, and detailing in accordance with the latest codes and standards. Part II of the course covers vertical load design of pile caps and uses practical design examples to show how all relevant limit states should be considered. Part III expands the previous portion of the course to include lateral loads and overturning. Part IV highlights proper use of tabulated design details for vertical and lateral loads and provides example applications of the software program which allows the user to make assumptions that are different than those made when developing the tabulated design solutions.
Engineering Tilt-Up
Regular Price $255 SEAoAL Seminar Price $105
Pile Cap Design
Regular Price $64, SEAoAL Seminar Price $49
Click here for a Registration Form:
Hotels Near AGC Conference Center
Hampton Inn 3930 Grants Mill Road (205)933-0444
Holiday Inn Express 811 Old Grants Mill Rd (205)957-0555
A gracious thank you to our 2025 Platinum Sponsors.
2025 Gold SponsorsAlabama Concrete Industries Association
Structural Engineers Association of Alabama is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 660584, Birmingham, AL 35266Copyright © 2022 SEAoAL - All Rights Reserved