Purpose: To facilitate the transition of students and young engineers into practicing engineers through education, support, and outreach.
Who: Inclusive of all structural engineers while being geared toward young engineers with less than 10 years of experience.
- Provide learning opportunities to teach young engineers the Practice of Structural Engineering to build on their current knowledge of the Science of Structural Engineering.
- Provide an environment for young Structural Engineers of Alabama to gather and discuss issues and concerns that are specific to their experience level.
- Promote the Structural Engineering Profession to high school and college students.
- Expand knowledge and experience first hand by:
- Plant tours (wood truss fabrication, steel fabrication, concrete mixing, precast, etc.)
- Lunch and learns by other consultants (MEP, special inspections, geotechnical engineering and testing, etc.)
- Create an online forum where young structural engineers can gather and discuss issues.
- Create a discussion platform.
- Discuss issues such as MEP rules of thumb, PE/SE test concerns/experiences, general engineering questions, what to expect and how to deal with your first job, etc.
- Promote forum in newsletter and on the website.
- Network with engineers of similar experience level to develop relationships.
- Find possible study partners for PE/SE Exams.
- Discourage future unethical and detrimental practices by building mutual respect.
- Have functions where high school and college students can attend.
- Invite college students to the onsite “lunch and learns”
- Facilitate BBQ Socials at Universities to promote Structural Engineering to Students.
- Encourage community service projects.