Alagasco Center for Energy Technology
20 20th St. South
Birmingham, Alabama
Please RSVP or register by 5:00 pm April 1st
Parking Information: parking for CET xls.pdf
From steel plate shear walls to seismic design, Michel Bruneau is recognized as a rising star in the world of structural steel. While he was awarded the T.R. Higgins Lectureship Award based on his recent paper on steel plate shear walls, his lecture will include other elements of his work as well which has encompassed new design concepts for seismic design, blast-resistance, and multi-hazard resistance concepts. His research at the University of Buffalo, where he is a professor and former director of MCEER, includes concepts for ductile steel plate shear walls, ductile bridge diaphragms, tubular eccentrically braced frames, structural fuses and controlled-rocking piers.
For those of you who attended the December Seminar on Steel Design and ASCE 7-10 Wind Loads, you may recall that Dr. Bruneau incurred travel problems which resulted in him not being at the seminar. The SEAoAL Board has worked with Dr. Bruneau to reschedule the T.R. Higgins Lecture as a lunch and learn. The event will be held at the Alagasco Center for Energy Technology located at 20 20th Street South in downtown Birmingham. Attendees will receive 1 PDH. Additional details about Dr Breneau and his AISC T.R. Higgins Award Winning paper were published in our Fall 2012 Newsletter (SEAoAL Fall 2012 Newsletter.pdf).
For those of you who like to read fiction, Dr. Bruneau has also written two novels that are available at His first novel was the recipient of a 2010 Indie book Award. His latest novel, The Emancipating Death of a Boring Engineer, takes "an unconventional journey, searching for significant numbers, good wines, the meaning of life, love, and whether it is ever too late." Feel free to bring your copy to the event for Dr. Bruneau to sign.
A gracious thank you to our 2025 Platinum Sponsors.
2025 Gold SponsorsAlabama Concrete Industries Association
Structural Engineers Association of Alabama is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 660584, Birmingham, AL 35266Copyright © 2022 SEAoAL - All Rights Reserved