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  • May 18, 2015 8:27 AM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)


    Annual Conference & XPO

    Aug. 27th at Rosewood Hall, Homewood AL 

    Topic will be: 

    Safe Room Design & Special Inspections

    More info coming SOON!

  • May 12, 2015 3:31 PM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)

    Senator Pittman is not giving up on this SB363 bill. Just a friendly reminder we need you to ACT.

    He is still pushing SB363 regarding using your design over and over, not compensating you and NOT taking into consideration the health safety and welfare of the public. Bill is one page, please read. SB363.pdfgovownership.pdf

    Please email and call everyone on the committee and senators and OPPOSE SB363. IF you called and emailed yesterday, please do so again today. Emails count as one and phone calls count too. Do both!  We are working hard to STOP this bill.

    Contact members of the Senate Fiscal Responsibility Committee and urge them to oppose SB363.  Contact as many Senators as you can and ask them to do the same thing to oppose any anti-architect/engineer amendments.  You can call them in Montgomery today at 334.242.7800. 

  • December 11, 2014 4:12 PM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)

     We have reached the end of another year. SEAoAL had a strong year and we are looking forward to building it stronger  in  2015 (with you).

     Everyone always asks, what does my membership with SEAoAL do for me?  Our members enjoyed these many opportunities, accomplishments and programs during 2014.

     Read below, what SEAoAL can do for you and WE WANT too!

    • SEAoAL is a FL PDH Provider
    • Provided 21.5 PDHs
    • Exhibit Hall with 14 exhibitors (at annual State Conference)
    • Awarded $7000 in scholarships to Structural Engineer students in partnership with the Delahay Foundation
    • Presented to AU, UA, and UAB engineering students
    • Exhibited at the Code Officials Conference for SEER
    • SEAoAL representation at the first Governors Preparedness Conference
    • Representation at the NCSEA Conference in New Orleans
    • Formed a South Eastern Coalition of SEA (AL, FL, GA, NC & SC)
    • Offered a FREE FEMA Safe Room Design Course
    • Held several SEAoAL & AIA Birmingham joint meetings -Great Networking
    • Young Professionals group assisted with designing and building 25 bunk beds for the Firehouse Shelter
    • Young Professionals Site Visits and educational meetings
    • Sponsor program firmly in place

      Please renew your membership or consider becoming a member and start enjoying the many benefits of a SEAoAL membership.

      If you want to renew in 2014, not a problem, need to wait until 2015 - we welcome you to bring in the New Year with SEAoAL.


    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

  • December 11, 2014 3:11 PM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)

    December 17

    Tools for your Firm’s Successful Future/ Emerging Risk – 2 LU
    Presented by Crow Friedman Group
    11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.; $15 members, $25 non-members
    Ruffner Mountain Tree House, 1214 81st St S, Birmingham 35206
    RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by Dec. 12

    Our speaker will be Bob vanArsdall, director of Market & Sector Analysis at XL Insurance.

  • April 30, 2013 2:17 PM | Deleted user

    SYNOPSIS: This bill would specify that any green building standard used for construction or major renovation of public buildings by state and local governments would be required to use certain forest certification standards for wood consistent with standards used in the forest industry in this state.


    To read the entire bill: HB 457

    To follow the status of the bill: Bill Status for HB457 

  • March 04, 2013 4:31 PM | Deleted user
    See this FLYER  or visit http://www.ecob.org  for additional information.
  • January 31, 2013 4:57 PM | Deleted user
    Southern Forest Products Association Press Release: http://sfpa.org/2013/01/alsc-approves-new-design-values-effective-june-1/
  • January 31, 2013 8:21 AM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)

    Engineers Week 2013

    SEAoAL would like to encourage you to celebrate and help us promote the positive contributions engineers make to society every day by participating in Engineers Week. On the week of February 17-23, engineers will be presenting to students all over the country regarding how engineers make dreams a reality.  NCSEA has developed a power point presentation that can be given at schools.  The PowerPoint file can be used as a template that can be customized to an appropriate age group.  The presentation is designed to promote Structural Engineering to students and help expand knowledge of our profession. For more information about Engineers Week, visit the National Engineers Week Foundation website at www.eweek.org .  To obtain a copy of this free PowerPoint presentation template so you can promote engineering at a school near you, please contact the Executive Director of SEAoAL, Rhea Williams, at rhea@karmamanagmentinc.com.  

  • January 16, 2013 3:40 PM | Joslyn Daniels (Administrator)
    SEAoAL would like to congratulate its nominees for the 54th Annual Engineering Council of Birmingham Awards Banquet.  Our President, Jason Partain, is nominated for Young Engineer of the Year and Cheryl E. May, one of our board members, is nominated for Engineer of the Year. Please see the flyer below for more information on how to go to the banquet.  
    2013 BANQUET FLYER.pdf

Structural Engineers Association of Alabama is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
P.O. Box 660584, Birmingham, AL 35266

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